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Citizen-centric Preventative and holistic health and social care

Moving away from being reactive (treating people when they become ill or have injury) to being proactive in keeping people healthy in the first place.

We have a growing and aging population with more people needing care for longer and less paying for it. This is not sustainable. A radical change to make health and social care seamless and personalised is needed. Here are three immediate benefits from such a change. The first enabling all those delivering care to work seamlessly will prevent human errors that accounts for unacceptable rates of death and adverse events. The second is care for seniors in independent / assisted living environment, instead of in capital intensive hospital care. The third enabling the use of innovative digital technologies to deliver better care at lower cost.


Next Generation Preventative and Holistic Healthcare Solutions

Datamation brings to healthcare over twenty five years of knowledge and expertise in data
management area gained in other highly regulated industries. Many of these are not available in the
disjointed current generation of health and social care solutions.

Making a difference to:

The Citizen

The Citizen

Better health and quality of life and being proactive in their own care.

Most of the young generation are technology savvy. Enabling them to access their records and gather their fitness-tracking data will be a good starting point that sets them on the right path to being proactive in their own care for the rest of their lives. In addition, enabling citizens to grant or deny consent as to who can access their records will address data privacy concerns that a number of major programmes notably Care.Data failed to address.

The Care Provider

The Care Provider

Seamless working environment with other care providers.

The current disconnect between, and with primary, secondary and social care is the main contributor to human errors that adds to the workload of an already stretched health and social care. Avoiding corrective action following errors that lead to serious complications or even death will release significant much needed care capacity.

The Industry

The Industry

Harnessing the power of innovative digital technologies to deliver better care at lower costs.

The healthcare technology industry is producing a flood of innovations that can make real difference in health and social care. However, their adoption is being hampered by the need to be interfaced to each system they are used with. Apart of slowing the rate of adoption of the technology, it significantly adds to their deployment cost.

Citizen-Centric Holistic and Preventative Health and
Social Care
Citizen-Centric Holistic and Preventative Health and Social Care – The Demo
Next Generation Health and Social Care Solutions – Harnessing Emerging Technologies
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Other Highly Regulated Sectors

Aerospace and defense
Process, power, oil and gas
Through-life asset data management.

Managing an asset through its 60-80 years life raises many challenges that cannot be addressed in the current disjointed IT infrastructures. Datamation has developed its universal Information Platform (uIP) to manage asset data as a complete consistent and up-to-date set and make it readily usable by all those who need it,where they need it in the form they need it. The Datamation uIP can also be used as a platform to help businesses migrate away from the current disjointed (siloed) environment to next generation solutions.

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News Update

Holistic Health and Social Care Demonstrator
Cambridge, 12-09-2019

Pleased to announce the release of our demonstrator to show how holistic health and social care can be delivered today. Developed with the help of Tendring District Council Careline, it also shows how health and social care can be personalised with patients being empowered to be proactive in their own…
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Time to Put an End to the ‘Silos’ Pain
Cambridge, 12-09-2019

Pleased to announce the release of our SiloSolve service to help businesses end the drain of having to move data from ‘A’ to ‘B’ without adding value to the business. Now is the time to make your information assets work harder for you.
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